Shotgun Chefs
Among some of the responsibilities I held, here is a list of the contributions I made:
Main Menu Functionality
Core Prototype Development
Crafting Mechanics
Level Design - Kitchen Level
Item Pickup/Holding System
Feature debugging
Collision Systems
Mittens System
Purchasing System
Technical Design Doc (With Zac)
Crafting Research and Design
VFX Research and Design
Pitch Presentation Script
This started as a team collaboration during a module called Production Process & Pipeline. Everyone within the team had their own roles, I was responsible for the majority of the blueprinting logic, and how the game actually plays (gameplay loop). I also was responsible for handling our teams tasks, ensuring that everyone in our group was able to contribute fairly, and that everyone had the chance to communicate their own ideas, provide insights and give an update on the tasks they were working on. As a group, we created a Kanban board to manage weekly scrums.
Later on down the line, I decided to start working on it after the end of the submission for the module, to move it into a publishable state. I added some new features, including a purchasing system, and “Mittens” the tutorial cat that were in the original scope but features we couldn’t include in the submission. Unfortunately I moved this project to the side to focus on other modules and my current indie game, as I originally intended to continue this with my team mates however they didn’t show much interest in continuing. I may return to the project after I’m finished with my current project called “Leylines”.